Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 20, 2011

26 Weeks and Disney!

This Saturday marks the 26th week in my pregnancy!  I'm almost in the third trimester, and I can't believe it.  Colby and I went to Disney World May 3-9 on a "Babymoon" with two of our friends (my roommate from college and her husband) who are also pregnant!  Here are some pics, and then I'll do a pregnancy update.

My belly is getting big!  I LOVE it!!!  Here is the pregnancy update!

How Far Along:  26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant.  He was over 1 pound at my 20 week u/s, so I'm assuming he's put on some weight since then.
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I've gained about 15-18 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way! There are now NO tops I have that I can wear....maybe two...that aren't maternity. 
Gender: IT'S A BOY!  Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: Feeling him more and more!  He woke me up kicking last night.  I must say; this is the one thing that causes me the most anxiety!  Every time I realize that I've not felt him in a couple of hours, I freak out.  But then he always moves, THANK GOODNESS!
Sleep:  Still really hard to get comfortable, but I'm sleeping pretty well.  As long as I don't drink a ton of water at night, I don't pee every five seconds.

What I miss: Not a thing!  I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!  
Cravings: Not a lot.  I went to get ice cream today between classes, and it was DELICIOUS.
Symptoms: Heartburn is every day, several times a day.  I'm getting sick of Tums...I think pretty soon I'm going to be switching over to some Pepcid.
Best Moment this week:   Best moment of ALL was going to Disney World, and getting a WONDERFUL surprise Mother's Day gift on that Sunday from Colby.  I can't believe that I'm finally able to celebrate Mother's Day, which I have avoided at all costs for three years.  After we got back from Disney, I've not had any wonderful moments, but I'm REALLY enjoying being pregnant!