Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Am Not a Commercial, I Promise!

Ok, this is the silliest post EVER, but I have to tell y'all about my new pot scrubber brush.  It came from Williams and Sonoma (I know, I'm "posh"--just kidding, it was a Christmas gift card purchase) and it is AMAZING!!!  Lookee here:

Do you see the long handle?  The brush part is just wide enough, and it scrubs really well!  I LOVE THIS THING!!! For the first time ever, I want to wash dishes.  This is crazy, I know.  It costs $4.50, but I would WILLINGLY buy another one, even without a gift card.  I also love how it's wood, and not plastic.  I love wood handled kitchen tools.  I'll have to do a post some time about my antique ones.  They work so much better than new tools.

But I digress..

Monday, December 28, 2009

Great is Thy Faithfulness!!

I couldn't pass up the chance to join Laura in a Gratituesday for all of 2009.  I am thankful to God for so much this year.

1.  My wonderful husband.  We have had our share of tragedy this year, but our marriage has become stronger because of it.  I love him more every day.
2.  My church family.  Recently a young man at our church was tragically injured in a logging accident.  A tree branch that was being cut struck him on the head, and caused damage to his frontal lobe and severed his spinal cord.  Thanks be to God, he has no brain damage.  He is paralyzed, but is taking it in stride.  Our church banded together to pray for this boy, and on Sunday, as his dad wheeled him into the worship service, we all stood together, clapping, and praising our Savior, who HEALS!!!
3.  My wonderful dog Piper.  She is a loyal companion, and foot licker.
4.  Colby and I both have jobs. In this tough economy, with the 16% unemployment rate in our community, we know just how lucky we are.
5.  We have a warm and cozy house to come home to every night, with more than enough food on our table.  That is more than millions of others have in the world.
6.  My salvation.  Without Jesus, I am nothing.

What are you thankful for this year?

Sunday, December 20, 2009



Monday, December 14, 2009

Disney World!

Colby and I just returned from our favorite place, the happiest place on earth, DISNEY!!  This is, embarrassingly, the second time we've been this year.  We went over the summer, and then we couldn't pass up the FREE dining plan they started around fall, so we went again, December 3-8.

One of my favorites, the Tea Cups.  Colby, of course, must spin the wheel as fast as possible. I just stare right at him so I won't get sick. He almost fell out of the teacup this time.  Lol.

My personal favorite thing.  Colby rubbing my feet on the TTA.

Cinderella's Castle lit up with special Christmas lights.  Amazing.

This is the first time (out of 7 that we've been together) that we've ever gone around Christmastime.  I highly recommend it, except I would've gone a little earlier than we did.  We went around the first weekend in December, and we should've gone during the earlier part of the week.  There was NO ONE there on Thursday or Friday, but it was PACKED on Sunday and Monday.

It was also FREEZING cold on Friday and Saturday, and it rained all day Friday.  45 degrees and raining is COLD in Florida.  We didn't bring near enough clothes, and had to buy stuff, of course.  This is how we looked on Saturday night.

I had on like three shirts underneath that, and was still really cold.  It was totally worth it, of course.

Here we are at the best ride ever:  Toy Story Midway Mania.  We rode three times, and I finally beat Colby the third time.

Oh, how I love Disney!!!!  I would totally go back again next month, but we're thinking it's going to be a while before we go back :(