Around 30/32 weeks...
34 Weeks...
How Far Along: 35 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a honeydew melon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 35 pounds already, and still have a month to go....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He's moving pretty regularly every day, and has been for a few weeks. At my 34 week appointment, doctor confirmed that he was head down, but "sunny side up." She said this could change up until a few minutes before delivery, but I'm still worried about back labor, since I want to do this naturally.
Sleep: SUPER hard to get comfortable at night!!! My back and hips KILL me! Plus I'm still peeing a ton!
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Still not a lot. I had the 3 hour glucose test right before my 30 week appt, and I passed with flying colors. I just like eating in general!
Symptoms: Heartburn got EXTREMELY bad around 30 weeks, and the doctor recommended I go ahead and start taking some Prilosec. I have, and it's totally gone, thank GOODNESS! It was seriously making me sick to eat.
Best Moment this week: I'm done with the nursery! My mother in law is getting us our glider and changing table, and as soon as I get those set up, I'll post pics. My shower is next Sunday! I'm so close to holding this little boy in my arms! Can't wait!