Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

39 Weeks...Still Pregnant

How Far Along: 39 Weeks.

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a watermelon!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 40 pounds.....

Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way, and my shirts are getting short.  I was so glad to be done with work this week, because I'm running out of comfortable things to wear!

Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!

Movement:  He moves pretty regularly, but he's definitely run out of room! 

Sleep: For the past two weeks, I've slept in the guest room, because our bed is so high up, I can barely get in and out of it.  I sleep a lot better in there, as much as I hate it.

What I miss: I have certainly loved being pregnant, but I think I may have hit my threshold this week.  I'm ready to meet this little guy, and to be comfortable again!

Cravings:  Not really anything.

Symptoms:  Still lots of crotch pain/pressure, and I feel like my belly has "dropped." It all of a sudden doesn't look as huge, and the top of my uterus is a little lower.

Best Moment this week: Being done with work!  Each thing I check off my list brings me a little closer to having this baby!

Oh, and here's a picture of our "other baby" just for good measure.  Can you tell we got a new camera this week? :)

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