Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 10, 2011

Williamsburg VA at Christmas!

This year for Christmas, Colby and I decided to take a mini vacation, just the two of us.  His mom got us season passes to Colonial Williamsburg for Christmas, so we went up there on the 23rd, 24th, and came back on Christmas Day.  It is beautiful up there!  I can't wait to go again when it's warmer; we'll probably do this on Spring Break. (If I get a Spring Break, that is....we've been to school three days since Christmas break, it's snowing now, and isn't stopping until Thursday!)

This is what I did on the drive to VA:  played with my iPod.  I love how serious I look in this picture.

Our first adventure of the evening:  eating supper at Christiana Campbell's Tavern.  Pricey, but ok food.  We sat in the basement, and were entertained by a fiddler, and a woman who monologued about being Christiana's "daughter."

They had these huge bonfires at night on the streets.  It was kind of neat, and awesome to stand close to them and (sort of) get warm.

Our lovely and cozy room at the Applewood Bed and Breakfast.  Highly recommended!  The breakfast was awesome!

The governor's palace:

The courthouse:

This was a gun and weaponry making place:

Another building...

Inside the Capitol Building:


This was inside the museum.  There was an amazing quilt display, and this neat table where you could design your own quilt square with wooden blocks.  Of course I had to play...

On Christmas Eve, we went to a Yuletide Supper (very festive!) where we had a delicious four course dinner, and lots of authentic Christmas entertainment.  It was really awesome!  This was one of the trees inside the Williamsburg Lodge, where the Supper was held.

Ice sculptures outside the Lodge.

Happy Holidays!!

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