Emerson Wilde is finally here, although he came 4 days late (7 according to the doctor's calculations and the "almighty wheel of pregnancy")! We had scheduled an induction for September 6th, but he ended up coming on August 31st.
I had no symptoms of pending labor at all up until I lost my mucous plug around 6pm August 30. I had a feeling I'd go into labor soon after that, just because he was already so late. I was right! After having major crampiness all evening, I laid down in bed around 11:30pm, and immediately felt a pop! Got up to get on the toilet, and sure enough, my water had broken. Problem was, the fluid was green-tinged! I knew there was meconium in my water, and I immediately went to Colby and said, "we have to go to the hospital. Now."
We got there in about 30 minutes, and it's usually about a 45 minute drive. There's lots of construction going on, but since it was night, we didn't have to worry about it. We got to the hospital, and the nurse checked me in, and checked my dilation. I was only a one, but she confirmed I was definitely in labor.
On the way to the hospital, I'd started having contractions about 4 minutes apart, and they stayed that way until we got checked into a labor and delivery room, at which point, they went all over the place. I was having them 3 and 2 minutes apart, then I'd have one after 30 seconds, and they were all in various lengths. I labored until about 4:30AM with excruciating, untimeable pain, until finally, I couldn't take anymore, and got an epidural. I was terrified of an epidural, but after that amount of pain, and me starting to vomit everywhere, I just couldn't take it. I honestly think if my contractions had been regular, I would've been able to do it.
After getting the epi, and not really progressing past 2 centimeters, the doctor decided to give me some pitocin to speed things along. After that, I dilated to about 4 centimeters in 2 hours, and then everything stopped. They upped my pitocin dose to an 8, and then Emerson's heartrate went down every time I had a contraction. We were beyond worried about him. They took me off pitocin, and then I still wasn't progressing. Around 1PM, Dr. Jackson decided enough was enough. He told me it looked like I needed a C-section, and they could do it in about an hour.
I was completely devastated. I wanted to do what was best for the baby, but the vaginal birth I'd prepared for was gone. I would never, ever again get the feeling of going into labor on my own, I'd never get to push a baby out by myself with Colby coaching me. I knew that my future of giving birth naturally was totally ruined. I also know how selfish it sounds for me to even say that, but it doesn't make my feelings any less real.
Around 2:00PM, they prepped me for surgery, and we went into the operating room. Before we went, Dr. Jackson prayed with the nurses and Colby and me, and though extremely comforting, it was still very scary, and heartbreaking.
The C-section went perfectly. I will never forget when I first heard Emerson cry, and although I didn't get to feel him come out, it was the best moment of my life. I also got to see him get cleaned up, because they had a monitor on him. He was beautiful.
After I got cleaned up and sewn up, we went down to the recovery room for about an hour, and I was able to try breastfeeding, which went well at that point. He latched right on. Then for the next several days, we went into breastfeeding HELL.
My recovery was fine, I wasn't in a lot of pain, and I spent the next four days in the hospital trying to get Emerson fed, and I knew he wasn't getting ANYTHING. I had a little colostrum that would leak out occasionally, but I knew there was no milk. By day 4, he'd gone from 8 lbs 6 oz to 7 lbs 3 oz, which of course was way more than 10% of his birth weight. I was at an absolute loss as to what to do. I had nurses telling me to give him formula, and at the same time, a pediatrician and lactation consultant telling me to wait it out, and not give him formula. That night, we went home from the hospital, and I was in complete hysterics. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to feed my child. He wasn't crying non-stop or anything, in fact, he was very lethargic (probably due to my taking Percocet, and him being a little jaundiced) We called the pediatrician's night hotline, and the nurse told me how much to give him, and so we did. The next day we saw a lactation consultant, who developed a plan for us, which involved feeding, supplementing, and then me pumping at EVERY feeding session.
Luckily, we only had to follow the plan for one night, because the next morning, my milk was in!!! I woke up engorged and full, and he was DOWNING the milk! We had a pediatrician's appointment the next day, and his weight was already back up a few ounces. I was so glad! Of ALL the things I wanted, I wanted to breastfeed more than anything else. I knew it was the right thing for Emerson, and the best thing I could do for his health and well-being. The very thought of not being able to do it simply petrified me. Thank God it actually happened!
So since then, we've been a very happy little family of three. We have taken copious pictures, of course, and are just completely in love with this little boy. He eats about every 3 hours, day and night, and he's alert and happy for about 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours at night. Waking up every 3 hours to breastfeed is the LEAST of my worries; I know these feedings will get farther apart the older he gets.
We are so blessed.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
39 Weeks...Still Pregnant
How Far Along: 39 Weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a watermelon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 40 pounds.....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way, and my shirts are getting short. I was so glad to be done with work this week, because I'm running out of comfortable things to wear!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He moves pretty regularly, but he's definitely run out of room!
Sleep: For the past two weeks, I've slept in the guest room, because our bed is so high up, I can barely get in and out of it. I sleep a lot better in there, as much as I hate it.
What I miss: I have certainly loved being pregnant, but I think I may have hit my threshold this week. I'm ready to meet this little guy, and to be comfortable again!
Cravings: Not really anything.
Symptoms: Still lots of crotch pain/pressure, and I feel like my belly has "dropped." It all of a sudden doesn't look as huge, and the top of my uterus is a little lower.
Best Moment this week: Being done with work! Each thing I check off my list brings me a little closer to having this baby!
Oh, and here's a picture of our "other baby" just for good measure. Can you tell we got a new camera this week? :)
Monday, August 1, 2011
36 Weeks--One Month Left!
First, here are some pictures from my church shower on Sunday! It was great; got a lot of great baby stuff!
Opening precious overalls...
This was the cake table. My friend Donna set up this little barn, and the blocks with his name! So cute!
My mom made this quilt. It has Noah's Ark on it, with baby animals. I love it!
This afghan was made by one of my mom's best friends, Jodie. I wish the detail on it was clearer; it is stunning! The edges have two layers of crochet, and there's a white ribbon running through it. Gorgeous!
This is after we got everything home! So overwhelming!
Here are some pictures of our beautiful nursery! I had so much fun putting all this together. My favorite piece in the entire room is this huge E over the crib. I got it on Etsy, and trust me, it is even prettier in person!
The rocker and curtains...
Changing table...we've gotten a better pad for it since the picture was taken.
Up close of the crib bedding. I LOVE IT.
View from the door...
This little cabinet came from my father in law's furniture store...it used to be green and white, but I painted it to match the room.
Here is his little bookcase. I adore this picture over the bookcase. It's one of my favorite things in the room.
Finally, here is my 36 week pic!
How Far Along: 36 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a small watermelon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 37 pounds.....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way, and some of my pants are too tight! This is NOT good news!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He's moving pretty regularly every day, and has been for a few weeks. At my 34 week appointment, doctor confirmed that he was head down, but "sunny side up." She said this could change up until a few minutes before delivery, but I'm still worried about back labor, since I want to do this naturally.
Sleep: SUPER hard to get comfortable at night!!! My back and hips KILL me! Plus I'm still peeing a ton!
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant! I do miss being able to get comfortable during bedtime though.
Cravings: Still not a lot. I really am obsessed with fruit, especially peaches. I love, love, love the diced peaches in juice!
Symptoms: Lots of pressure down below, a few episodes that I *think* are Braxton Hicks contractions, and lots of kicks, punches, and hiccups.
Best Moment this week: Having my shower, and going to the doctor. My shower was wonderful, and the doctor says that although I'm not progressed at all, he's head down, and ready to go! I have another shower next Sunday that I'm looking forward to; it's a library shower! I hope Emerson enjoys books and reading as much as Colby and I did as kids. Well, we still enjoy it, but who has time to read!?!??!?
Opening precious overalls...
This was the cake table. My friend Donna set up this little barn, and the blocks with his name! So cute!
My mom made this quilt. It has Noah's Ark on it, with baby animals. I love it!
This afghan was made by one of my mom's best friends, Jodie. I wish the detail on it was clearer; it is stunning! The edges have two layers of crochet, and there's a white ribbon running through it. Gorgeous!
This is after we got everything home! So overwhelming!
Here are some pictures of our beautiful nursery! I had so much fun putting all this together. My favorite piece in the entire room is this huge E over the crib. I got it on Etsy, and trust me, it is even prettier in person!
The rocker and curtains...
Changing table...we've gotten a better pad for it since the picture was taken.
Up close of the crib bedding. I LOVE IT.
View from the door...
This little cabinet came from my father in law's furniture store...it used to be green and white, but I painted it to match the room.
Here is his little bookcase. I adore this picture over the bookcase. It's one of my favorite things in the room.
Finally, here is my 36 week pic!
How Far Along: 36 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a small watermelon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 37 pounds.....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way, and some of my pants are too tight! This is NOT good news!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He's moving pretty regularly every day, and has been for a few weeks. At my 34 week appointment, doctor confirmed that he was head down, but "sunny side up." She said this could change up until a few minutes before delivery, but I'm still worried about back labor, since I want to do this naturally.
Sleep: SUPER hard to get comfortable at night!!! My back and hips KILL me! Plus I'm still peeing a ton!
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant! I do miss being able to get comfortable during bedtime though.
Cravings: Still not a lot. I really am obsessed with fruit, especially peaches. I love, love, love the diced peaches in juice!
Symptoms: Lots of pressure down below, a few episodes that I *think* are Braxton Hicks contractions, and lots of kicks, punches, and hiccups.
Best Moment this week: Having my shower, and going to the doctor. My shower was wonderful, and the doctor says that although I'm not progressed at all, he's head down, and ready to go! I have another shower next Sunday that I'm looking forward to; it's a library shower! I hope Emerson enjoys books and reading as much as Colby and I did as kids. Well, we still enjoy it, but who has time to read!?!??!?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Pregnancy Update Weeks 29-35...
Around 30/32 weeks...
34 Weeks...
How Far Along: 35 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a honeydew melon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 35 pounds already, and still have a month to go....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He's moving pretty regularly every day, and has been for a few weeks. At my 34 week appointment, doctor confirmed that he was head down, but "sunny side up." She said this could change up until a few minutes before delivery, but I'm still worried about back labor, since I want to do this naturally.
Sleep: SUPER hard to get comfortable at night!!! My back and hips KILL me! Plus I'm still peeing a ton!
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Still not a lot. I had the 3 hour glucose test right before my 30 week appt, and I passed with flying colors. I just like eating in general!
Symptoms: Heartburn got EXTREMELY bad around 30 weeks, and the doctor recommended I go ahead and start taking some Prilosec. I have, and it's totally gone, thank GOODNESS! It was seriously making me sick to eat.
Best Moment this week: I'm done with the nursery! My mother in law is getting us our glider and changing table, and as soon as I get those set up, I'll post pics. My shower is next Sunday! I'm so close to holding this little boy in my arms! Can't wait!
34 Weeks...
How Far Along: 35 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a honeydew melon!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 35 pounds already, and still have a month to go....
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He's moving pretty regularly every day, and has been for a few weeks. At my 34 week appointment, doctor confirmed that he was head down, but "sunny side up." She said this could change up until a few minutes before delivery, but I'm still worried about back labor, since I want to do this naturally.
Sleep: SUPER hard to get comfortable at night!!! My back and hips KILL me! Plus I'm still peeing a ton!
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Still not a lot. I had the 3 hour glucose test right before my 30 week appt, and I passed with flying colors. I just like eating in general!
Symptoms: Heartburn got EXTREMELY bad around 30 weeks, and the doctor recommended I go ahead and start taking some Prilosec. I have, and it's totally gone, thank GOODNESS! It was seriously making me sick to eat.
Best Moment this week: I'm done with the nursery! My mother in law is getting us our glider and changing table, and as soon as I get those set up, I'll post pics. My shower is next Sunday! I'm so close to holding this little boy in my arms! Can't wait!
Monday, June 6, 2011
28 Weeks
No picture yet, because we're living at my parents-in-law's house! How did that happen, you ask? We have no air conditioning. We noticed about a week and a half ago that there was some frost on the unit that's inside the house, and it was making a weird noise. Colby called the guy, and he told us to turn it off for a couple of days and change the filter, and see if that helped. Nope. Still got frost. So the man came out there, and our whole system is INSTALLED WRONG!!! We've been waiting on a part to fix it for over a week now, and we're camping out at Colby's parent's house. With Piper. Who has had "bad potty" on the carpet no less than EVERY DAY!!! It's getting kinda old....but I digress....
How Far Along: 28 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a small cabbage. He's getting big!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 22 pounds already. I'm a little scared of that number, since I still have about 2 1/2 months to go...
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He has been WILD the past two days!! I love it! I'm doing a play right now, and he LOVES when I'm talking on stage. He just goes crazy! Hopefully, theatre is in his blood!
Sleep: Still really hard to get comfortable, but I'm sleeping pretty well. As long as I don't drink a ton of water at night, I don't pee every five seconds. I've also been having some leg cramps at night, which wake me up.
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Still not a lot. I CLEARLY need to lay off the sweets, though, because I failed my glucose test on Monday. :( This means I have to take the three hour test next Monday. Yeah. Not looking forward to THAT.
Symptoms: Heartburn is still around, but it's actually getting better a little. I cannot tolerate ANY fruit flavored Tums, so I've switched over to the mint kind. Like them SO much better! I'm also having some hip pain, but I know that's typical. It's not bad or anything, just annoying.
Best Moment this week: It actually JUST happened! I'm sitting here, feeling Emerson squirm all around, and he stayed in one place long enough for me to feel this little part of him THROUGH my stomach. I'm pretty sure it's a foot, but who knows? Second guess is elbow or knee? Anyway, there he stayed, and I could just rub his little body part with my hand. AMAZING!!!!!!! I am so in love with this little boy already!
How Far Along: 28 weeks.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a small cabbage. He's getting big!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 22 pounds already. I'm a little scared of that number, since I still have about 2 1/2 months to go...
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: He has been WILD the past two days!! I love it! I'm doing a play right now, and he LOVES when I'm talking on stage. He just goes crazy! Hopefully, theatre is in his blood!
Sleep: Still really hard to get comfortable, but I'm sleeping pretty well. As long as I don't drink a ton of water at night, I don't pee every five seconds. I've also been having some leg cramps at night, which wake me up.
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Still not a lot. I CLEARLY need to lay off the sweets, though, because I failed my glucose test on Monday. :( This means I have to take the three hour test next Monday. Yeah. Not looking forward to THAT.
Symptoms: Heartburn is still around, but it's actually getting better a little. I cannot tolerate ANY fruit flavored Tums, so I've switched over to the mint kind. Like them SO much better! I'm also having some hip pain, but I know that's typical. It's not bad or anything, just annoying.
Best Moment this week: It actually JUST happened! I'm sitting here, feeling Emerson squirm all around, and he stayed in one place long enough for me to feel this little part of him THROUGH my stomach. I'm pretty sure it's a foot, but who knows? Second guess is elbow or knee? Anyway, there he stayed, and I could just rub his little body part with my hand. AMAZING!!!!!!! I am so in love with this little boy already!
Friday, May 20, 2011
26 Weeks and Disney!
This Saturday marks the 26th week in my pregnancy! I'm almost in the third trimester, and I can't believe it. Colby and I went to Disney World May 3-9 on a "Babymoon" with two of our friends (my roommate from college and her husband) who are also pregnant! Here are some pics, and then I'll do a pregnancy update.
My belly is getting big! I LOVE it!!! Here is the pregnancy update!
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant. He was over 1 pound at my 20 week u/s, so I'm assuming he's put on some weight since then.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 15-18 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way! There are now NO tops I have that I can wear....maybe two...that aren't maternity.
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: Feeling him more and more! He woke me up kicking last night. I must say; this is the one thing that causes me the most anxiety! Every time I realize that I've not felt him in a couple of hours, I freak out. But then he always moves, THANK GOODNESS!
Sleep: Still really hard to get comfortable, but I'm sleeping pretty well. As long as I don't drink a ton of water at night, I don't pee every five seconds.
My belly is getting big! I LOVE it!!! Here is the pregnancy update!
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant. He was over 1 pound at my 20 week u/s, so I'm assuming he's put on some weight since then.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 15-18 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way! There are now NO tops I have that I can wear....maybe two...that aren't maternity.
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: Feeling him more and more! He woke me up kicking last night. I must say; this is the one thing that causes me the most anxiety! Every time I realize that I've not felt him in a couple of hours, I freak out. But then he always moves, THANK GOODNESS!
Sleep: Still really hard to get comfortable, but I'm sleeping pretty well. As long as I don't drink a ton of water at night, I don't pee every five seconds.
What I miss: Not a thing! I love, love, LOVE being pregnant!
Cravings: Not a lot. I went to get ice cream today between classes, and it was DELICIOUS.
Symptoms: Heartburn is every day, several times a day. I'm getting sick of Tums...I think pretty soon I'm going to be switching over to some Pepcid.
Best Moment this week: Best moment of ALL was going to Disney World, and getting a WONDERFUL surprise Mother's Day gift on that Sunday from Colby. I can't believe that I'm finally able to celebrate Mother's Day, which I have avoided at all costs for three years. After we got back from Disney, I've not had any wonderful moments, but I'm REALLY enjoying being pregnant!
Symptoms: Heartburn is every day, several times a day. I'm getting sick of Tums...I think pretty soon I'm going to be switching over to some Pepcid.
Monday, April 11, 2011
It's a Boy!!!!!!
We had our 20 week anatomy ultrasound today, and it's a BOY!! I totally knew it all along. I've thought from the VERY beginning that it was a boy, so no surprise to me! :) Here is the "money shot" and then a profile pic!
And here is the preggo update so far!!
How Far Along: 20 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a banana. I hate this comparism. It seems so small compared to other fruits!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 10 pounds according to the doctor.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way! There are a few tops I can still wear that aren't too short or too tight, but not many! Pants are all maternity!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: Feeling him more and more! The ultrasound tech told me today I have an anterior placenta, so movement will be harder to feel out front. I definitely feel him on the sides, and Colby actually felt him the other night! I love, love, love feeling that little guy move!
Sleep: Still peeing at night a bunch, and it's getting harder and harder to stay comfy! I have a body pillow, but I hate it. It's like having an extra person in the bed! Yuck!
And here is the preggo update so far!!
How Far Along: 20 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a banana. I hate this comparism. It seems so small compared to other fruits!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained about 10 pounds according to the doctor.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity all the way! There are a few tops I can still wear that aren't too short or too tight, but not many! Pants are all maternity!
Gender: IT'S A BOY! Emerson Wilde Martin!
Movement: Feeling him more and more! The ultrasound tech told me today I have an anterior placenta, so movement will be harder to feel out front. I definitely feel him on the sides, and Colby actually felt him the other night! I love, love, love feeling that little guy move!
Sleep: Still peeing at night a bunch, and it's getting harder and harder to stay comfy! I have a body pillow, but I hate it. It's like having an extra person in the bed! Yuck!
What I miss: Not a thing.
Cravings: Meh. Not really much. I eat a lot though!
Symptoms: Still having the heartburn on and off. I'm now carrying Tums in my purse....and at both schools...and at home...and in the car...
Best Moment this week: Finding out the gender, and that everything was perfect with our little boy! We are so overcome with joy! After all this time, waiting, praying, doubting, and believing, we have the BEST GIFT EVER!!!!!
Cravings: Meh. Not really much. I eat a lot though!
Symptoms: Still having the heartburn on and off. I'm now carrying Tums in my purse....and at both schools...and at home...and in the car...
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